Work Experience
McCormick Fellow, University of Chicago, 2018-present
PostDoc, Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies, 2013-2018
Research Assistant, Columbia University, 2010-2013
Teaching Assistant, Columbia University, 2007-2010
Ph.D. Astronomy, Columbia University, 2014
M.Phil. Astronomy, Columbia University, 2010
M.A. Astronomy, Columbia University, 2009
M.A. Astronomy, Wesleyan University, 2007
B.A. Mathematics, Wellesley College, 2005
“How Cosmic Rays Mediate the Evolution of the Interstellar Medium.” Simpson, C. M., Pakmor, R., Pfrommer, C., Glover, S. C. O. & Smith, R. 2022, arXiv: 2204.02410, submitted to MNRAS.
“Simulating cosmological substructure in the solar neighbourhood.” Simpson, C. M., Gargiulo, I., Gómez, F. A., Grand, R. J. J., Maffione, N., Cooper, A. P., Deason, A. J., Frenk, C., Helly, J., Marinacci, F. & Pakmor, R. 2019, MNRAS, 490, L32.
"Quenching and ram pressure stripping of simulated Milky Way satellite galaxies." Simpson, C. M., Grand, R. J. J., Gómez, F. A., Marinacci, F., Pakmor, R., Springel, V., Campbell, D. J. R. & Frenk, C. S. 2018, MNRAS, 478, 548.
“The Role of Cosmic-Ray Pressure in Accelerating Galactic Outflows.” Simpson, C. M., Pakmor, R., Marinacci, F., Pfrommer, C., Springel, V., Glover, S. C. O., Clark, P. C. & Smith, R. J. 2016, ApJL, 827, L29.
“Kinetic Energy from Supernova Feedback in High-resolution Galaxy Simulations.” Simpson, C. M., Bryan, G. L., Hummels, C. & Ostriker, J. P. 2015, ApJ, 809, 69.
“The effect of feedback and reionization on star formation in low-mass dwarf galaxy haloes.” Simpson, C. M., Bryan, G. L., Johnston, K. V., Smith, B. D., Mac Low, M.-M., Sharma, S. & Tumlinson, J. 2013, MNRAS, 432, 1989.
"The dependence of cosmic ray driven galactic winds on halo mass." Jacob, S., Pakmor, R., Simpson, C. M., Springel, V. & Pfrommer, C. 2017, arXiv: 1712.04947, accepted by MNRAS.
"Simulating Gamma-ray Emission in Star-forming Galaxies." Pfrommer, C., Pakmor, R., Simpson, C. M. & Springel, V. 2017, arXiv: 1709:05343, accepted by ApJL.
"Origin of chemically distinct discs in the Auriga cosmological simulations." Grand, R. J. J., Bustamante, S., Gómez, F. A., Kawata, D., Marinacci, F., Pakmor, R., Rix, H-W., Simpson, C. M., Sparre, M. & Springel, V. 2017, arXiv:1708.07834, submitted to MNRAS.
"Lessons from the Auriga discs: The hunt for the Milky Way's ex-situ disc is not yet over." Gómez, F. A., Grand, R. J. J., Monachesi, A., White, S. D. M., Bustamante, S., Marinacci, F., Pakmor, R., Simpson, C. M., Springel, V. & Frenk, C. S. 2017, arXiv:1704.08261, submitted to MNRAS.
“Magnetic field formation in the Milky Way-like disk galaxies of the Auriga project.” Pakmor, R., Gomez, F. A., Grand, R. J. J., Marinacci, F., Simpson, C. M., Springel, V., Campbell, D. J. R., Frenk, C. S., Guillet, T., Pfrommer, C. & White, S. D. M. 2017, arXiv:1701.07028, accepted by MNRAS.
“Simulating cosmic ray physics on a moving mesh.” Pfrommer, C., Pakmor, R., Schaal, K., Simpson, C. M. & Springel, V. 2017, MNRAS, 465, 4500.
“The AGORA High-Resolution Galaxy Simulations Comparison Project. II: Isolated Disk Test.” Kim, J., Agertz, O., Teyssier, R., Butler, M. J., Ceverino, D., Choi, J., Feldmann, R., Keller, B. W., Lupi, A., Quinn, T., Revaz, Y., Wallace, S., Gnedin, N. Y., Leitner, S. N., Shen, S., Smith, B. D., Thompson, R., Turk, M. J., Abel, T., Arraki, K. S., Benincasa, S. M., Chakrabarti, S., DeGraf, C., Dekel, A., Goldbaum, N. J., Hopkins, P. F., Hummels, C. B., Klypin, A., Li, H., Madau, P., Mandelker, N., Mayer, L., Nagamine, K., Nickerson, S., O’Shea, B. W., Primack, J. R., Roca-Fbrega, S., Semenov, V., Shimizu, I., Simpson, C. M., Todoroki, K., Wadsley, J. W., Wise, J. H., for the AGORA Collaboration. 2016, ApJ, 833, 202.
“Semi-implicit anisotropic cosmic ray transport on an unstructured moving mesh.” Pakmor, R., Pfrommer, C., Simpson, C. M., Kannan, R. & Springel, V. 2016, MNRAS, 462, 2603.
“GMC evolution in a barred spiral galaxy with star formation and thermal feedback.” Fujimoto, Y., Bryan, G. L., Tasker, E. J., Habe, A. & Simpson, C. M. 2016, MNRAS, 461, 1684.
“Galactic Winds Driven by Isotropic and Anisotropic Cosmic-Ray Diffusion in Disk Galaxies.” Pakmor, R., Pfrommer, C., Simpson, C. M. & Springel, V. 2016, ApJL, 824, L30.
“Dwarf galaxies in CDM and SIDM with baryons: observational probes of the nature of dark matter.” Vogelsberger, M., Zavala, J., Simpson, C. & Jenkins, A. 2014, MNRAS, 444, 3684.
“Diffuse gas properties and stellar metallicities in cosmological simulations of disc galaxy formation.” Marinacci, F., Pakmor, R., Springel, V. & Simpson, C. M. 2014, MNRAS, 442, 3745.
“ENZO: An Adaptive Mesh Refinement Code for Astrophysics.” Bryan, G. L.., Norman, M. L., O’Shea, B. W., Abel, T., Wise, J. H., Turk, M. J., Reynolds, D. R., Collins, D. C., Wang, P., Skillman, S. W., Smith, B., Harkness, R. P., Bordner, J., Kim, J.-h., Kuhlen, M., Xu, H., Goldbaum, N., Hummels, C., Kritsuk, A. G., Tasker, E., Skory, S., Simpson, C. M., Hahn, O., Oishi, J. S., So, G. C., Zhao, F., Cen, R., Li, Y. & the Enzo Collaboration. 2014, ApJS, 211, 19.
“Measuring Transverse Motions for Nearby Galaxy Clusters.” Hamden, E. T., Simpson, C. M., Johnston, K. V. & Lee, D. M. 2010, ApJL, 716, L205.
“Rotation rates in the Koronis family, complete to H~11.2.” Slivan, S. M., Binzel, R. P., Boroumand, S. C., Pan, M. W., Simpson, C. M., Tanabe, J. T., Villastrigo, R. M., Yen, L. L., Ditteon, R. P., Pray, D. P. & Stephens, R. D. 2008, Icarus, 195, 226.